Barrier Shrink Bags
DPG Packaging Ltd supplies an extensive range of high quality shrink bags.
Shrink bags increase the shelf life of your products.
With a range of gauges starting as low as 55µm, our high barrier materials guarantee excellent puncture resistance, low leaker rates and long-lasting protection. At the same time the product is given a glossy shine to enhance its presentation.
Given its thin film structure and outstanding shrinking properties, this packaging comes with a whole host of advantages.
Advantages of DPG Packaging Ltd shrink bags :-- Available in a range of gauges, starting as low as 55µm.
- Available with or without meat adhesion.
- Available with straight bottom, round bottom or side seam. Loose or taped.
- Preventing food from juice separation and prolong shelf life.
- No product weight or water loss.
- No liquid in packaging
- Capable of withstanding cooking or pasteurisation temperatures yet still shrink evenly.
- May be surface printed in up to 10 colours using flexographic printing.